SGI Developer Toolbox 6.1
SGI Developer Toolbox 6.1 - Disc 4.iso
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~4Dgifts/toolbox/searchtools README
this directory contains files to assist in various approaches to
tree-searching/sifting. their categorization breaks down as follows:
~4Dgifts/toolbox/findfuncs is a pointer to refjoin. refjoin is the script
providing a search/sift/join capacity to functions.INDEX (generated by
getobjs), which contains a listing of all the library functions used by
programs in the public, lib and src subtrees.
getobjs* Dave Olson's script generates list of all lib. funcs.
functions.INDEX file generated by getobjs.
look* used to find/print the functions fed to findfuncs
look.c src to look
look.man man page for look
refjoin* script to sift functions.INDEX
../findfuncs.README provides more details to ~4Dgifts/toolbox/findfuncs
~4Dgifts/toolbox/sifttree is a script to fire up oksvr followed by oasisIII.
oasisIII/oksvr are a client/server relationship. Together they provide a
powerful search mechanism for examining keywords, titles, filenames
throughout the entire Toolbox tree.
oksvr* server program that feeds its client, oasisIII
oasisIII* graphical interface program used for info retrieval
OasisIII.ad copy of /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/OasisIII file
OasisIII " " app-defaults file used inside sifttree script
oasisIII.README ascii version of help cards for oasisIII/sifttree
dist/ + contains oasisIII "book" inst images for the help button
oasis.fth |
oasisadmin |_
oasistree |_>--> data files needed for oasisIII operation
toolbox/ |
toolbox.cfg |
+ You will need to install the help book if you wish to access help
for oasisIII. To do so here's what's involved:
% su -
# inst -f <TOOLBOX_ROOT>/searchtools/dist
Subsystems available for installation (list installable):
Subsystem / /usr Description
i oasisIII.books.help * 0 330+
Disk space summary (512-byte blocks):
Effect of install selections 0+ 330+
Effect of remove selections 0+ 0+
Installation overhead 0+ 30+
Net change in blocks 0+ 360+
Inst> k *
Inst> i oasisIII.books.help
Inst> go
Inst> quit
This will install the book.